We are in business to connect people

It’s never been so easy to contact people in our digital age. But it’s been getting harder and harder for people to truly connect. We need an authentic human connection if we want to be able to tackle the problems our society is going to face. There are three areas where we as an organization feel we can contribute.

  • Circle check filled Working together as equals
  • Circle check filled Closing the digital divide
  • Circle check filled Building tech that gives people an equal voice

Three pillars that help us strive for change

Working together as equals

No managers, no job descriptions

We want to work together as equals. Managers and job descriptions get in the way.

That’s why we ditched both and started building systems that facilitate equivalence at work.

Closing the digital divide

Our 1% connectivity tax

Communication has to be accessible, reliable and private, but 34% of the world is not connected to the web.

We donate our self imposed 1% connectivity tax to 48percent.org to help close the digital divide, and we support other project that support equivalence.

Building tech that gives people a voice

Open web, open code

We don’t work for shareholders or investors. We work for our clients.

This enables us to build technology which is open source and free to be used by others.

It also enables us to fight for equal & open access to the web, because we feel the web should be open.


Open and transparant

As a customer, you are a supporter of our work. That’s why we want to be transparent about our performance, our impact, and how we spend our time and money.

How we create and measure impact

Working as equals

We have inspired more than 250.000 people with articles, books, and keynotes on the way we are organized.

Closing the digital divide

17.000 people have benefitted from the work of 48percent.org.

Open Code

We develop technology that connects and the best way to do that is together.

Colleagues, diversity, and inclusion

We actively strive to be a diverse and inclusive organization. While we outperform industry standards in some areas, we always strive to do more.

Our footprint

By simply existing a business has a CO2 footprint. We try to minimize ours and compensate for what remains.

How we spend your money

You are not just a Voys customer, you are also a contributor. That’s why we like to be open about how we spend the money you pay us every month.

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Crossover to blogs, about, ebook

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Our tech blog pages

Fusce iaculis eros at turpis blandit, in commodo purus porta. Ut nec viverra risus. Nam commodo maximus eros, et lobortis ligula mattis quis. Morbi ac tellus in neque lacinia tincidunt.


About Voys

Maecenas non imperdiet ante. Nunc condimentum ex nec arcu efficitur condimentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce purus sem, porttitor sed augue ac, gravida tempor mi. Cras nec augue et nulla fringilla tempor id at tortor. Vestibulum id dui quis diam tincidunt convallis. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent facilisis faucibus blandit.


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Suspendisse posuere porta ante eget ultricies. Integer ut ullamcorper risus. Mauris in urna tempus, convallis odio ut, varius mi.